Sunday, July 8, 2018


In the shadows of the night a creature emerges. The temperature drops, the atmosphere darkens, and an eerie chill descends over the land. Suddenly, you are overwhelmed with despair and hatred. Be on your guard – a wraith is nearby.

What is a Wraith


Little is known about wraiths other than their power and despair. These creatures are a type of Scottish ghost that had a history in black magic and sorcery during its lifetime.

Wraiths are said to be creatures that are created when something goes wrong in spellcasting. This is most often the result of a witch or wizard who tried – unsuccessfully – to extend the years of their lifespan or tried to manipulate time in some other form. The result is tragic. In some capacity they get their wish – they are now immortal beings with incredible power. The price they pay however, is extremely high. Their souls are taken away and they are condemned to never reach the spirit realm. This is a terrible fate considering that the spirit realm is often thought to be something similar to Heaven in most cultures and is at the very least considered to be an afterlife. Wraiths are denied this privilege and are forced to wander between dimensions for eternity.

Wraiths are soulless creatures and only feel devastating emotions like hatred and despair. They are a type of ghost, but can also be considered to be a type of demon. Though there are instances that wraiths can be considered ‘good’ (a specific kind of wraith known as a voror), most wraiths are inherently evil.

There are thought to be several kinds of wraiths. Most wraiths are evil creatures that seek to steal the souls of others. With a single touch, the wraith is able to drain the life out of a person and steal their soul. Whenever they steal the soul of a person, the victim is cursed to wander with them for eternity – unless of course the wraith is killed.

Can A Wraith Be Overpowered or Killed?

Wraiths are very powerful creatures and are, therefore, an extremely difficult foe to overcome. They can only be defeated by a holy presence or weapon. Being pure evil, they are not able to withstand holiness of any kind and will either be forced to retreat or destroyed by the opposing force.

It is important, however, that a wraith be killed if attacked. If a wraith is able to escape, it may become furious that it was attacked and will release its rage on the world. A wraith’s anger is so powerful that it emitted in waves of energy from the creature and can steal the will to live from entire villages. When the villages are no longer able to withstand the depression brought onto their lives by the wraith, the creature will take their souls and continue on its aimless journey.

Types of Wraiths

Lore tells us that there are several types of wraiths. The most common kind of wraith has been described above and has an extreme rage that motivates its actions. Some variations of this first type of wraith are incredibly intelligent and capable of holding grudges into their undead state. They will target an individual that they perceive has wronged them until they have captured their soul and can force them to wander outside of the spirit world for eternity.

A second kind of wraith is described as being a parasitic kind of ghost-demon. These creatures are demons that inhabit any type of empty space until they find a human to meld with. However, unlike most creatures who possess, these wraiths do not make their presence known to the victim. It is unlikely that the affected person will ever know that they have been possessed by this demon. This type of wraith is also not believed to hold any sort of magical powers of its own. While it does have more power than a human, it will not exercise these powers over the will of the human, making it very unlikely that the powers will ever be discovered. There are, however, a few cases in which humans develop demonic powers because of wraith possessions. Perhaps the most notable thing about this wraith type however, is its ability to procreate. When a human who has been possessed with this wraith type mates with another human, part of the wraith will bond to the unborn child. The soul of the child melds with the demon, creating a ‘Blood Child.’

There is also a variation of a wraith called a voror. This wraith was also sometimes referred to as a ‘watcher’ or ‘warden.’ This type of wraith follows the soul of a person from the time they are born until the time they die. This is the only type of wraith that is not considered malevolent.

Physical Appearance

Wraith - The Pale Hollow

The majority of wraiths have never been seen in person, though there are some vague details about their appearance that are known.

There are some legends that describe wraiths as being dark entities with black cloaks. Their arms and legs are corpse-like and extremely thin. Additionally, the face of the wraith is either skeletal or an endless black hole.

There are also legends that say wraiths do not look like anything – they are simply evil entities that occupy any type of empty space they can find.

Motivation of a Wraith

According to lore, some wraiths are parasitic, but not aggressive. They simply look for a host to bond with (human of course) and feed off of the energy of the person. They do not try to exert their will over their victim, they simply use the host to survive and move on when their host dies.

While there are some wraiths that are fairly docile, this doesn’t seem to be the case for the majority of these strange ghosts. Many wraiths are angered about their condition and the events leading up to them losing their souls. These wraiths are incredibly intelligent and sometimes hunt the people that they hold grudges against. This is done until the soul of the unfortunate victim is obtained and forced to wander with the wraith for eternity.

Wraiths are full of malevolence and ill intent. They are consumed by emotions like anger, despair, and hatred. They live to hunt for unfortunate souls to add to their ‘clan’ and wander aimlessly for eternity, taking away hope and the desire to live as they go.



In the depths of the forest, the wind begins to rush against the fragile tree branches. A shrieking howl can be heard. It starts as a bone chilling moan and continues to rise in both power and terror until it climaxes in blood-curdling horror. A sense of dread consumes you as you realize you are not alone in these woods, but it is too late. The wendigo has found you.

What is a Wendigo

The wendigo is a product of Algonquian folklore and is a beast that was feared by all. This terrifying creature was known to have its biggest impact during the winter months and was thought to be responsible for the manifestation of some of the darkest parts of the human spirit. It is winter, famine, gluttony, and cannibalism incarnate.

The wendigo is known for its insatiable greed and hunger for human flesh. The wendigo is often depicted as a demonic spirit that has power over winter storms and weather events. Because of this, the creature is often associated with the harsh winters of the North. It is said that an angry wendigo can cause the sky to darken and extreme weather such as harsh winter winds, tornadoes, and blizzards.


The wendigo is often depicted as a supernatural creature that has the ability to bring famine and harsh winter storms to bear over land. These conditions give it ideal hunting grounds and plentiful victims – both to satisfy its hunger and need to share its twisted desires.

One of the most terrifying aspects of a wendigo is its inability to be satisfied. A wendigo is always hungry and can never be filled. It takes pleasure in the hunt for prey and the act of killing, but even after devouring the entirety of a human being its hunger is not quenched. A wendigo grows with every meal it eats in proportion to the mass it has devoured. Because of this, a wendigo can never be satisfied and will always hunger for more victims.

Origins of the Wendigo

The wendigo is a demon, but some wendigos can be created from humans who have been corrupted with greed and the hunger for human flesh. These victims are often transformed into wendigos themselves (often from the touch or possession of the beast) after they give in to their carnivorous desires. With every victim these new wendigos devour, they grow proportionately in size. It is said that wendigos have the ability to grow to a size that is unfathomable by the human mind and that the sight of a wendigo who has devoured many souls is enough to make the human heart freeze in terror.

Although a wendigo is able to exist in the physical world, it is actually a spirit form. Like many spirits, the wendigo has the ability to become invisible, fly, become undetectable, or possess humans.

The wendigo is extremely selective with those that it chooses to possess. Most often, the creature will only possess people who are starving, who are gluttonous, who have had a craving for human flesh before, or who are greedy and have tendencies to display their wealth openly. Anyone who becomes possessed with a wendigo spirit will become wendigos themselves and will continue to exist as a wendigo until the spirit is exorcised or they are killed. However, as wendigos have incredible strength and are able to move with extreme strength and power, it is highly unlikely that a wendigo could be killed.

Common Wendigo Practices

The wendigo is a ruthless and savage predator. It has heightened senses that allow it to tune into every inch of its hunting grounds (which often extend for many miles on end). Its sense of sight, smell, and hearing are so impressive that it is able to track its prey and know the exact movements of its target even if it is many miles away.

Although the wendigo is always seeking to fill a deep hunger, it enjoys taking its time before a kill. It will often stalk its prey for hours on end and will reveal its presence in small ways every so often in order to make its prey fearful. A person who is being stalked by a wendigo will often feel a growing sense of dread that they are being watched or followed. The wendigo is able to sense their fear and paranoia grow with each heartbeat. This brings the malevolent spirit a sense of excitement and anticipation for the kill.

It is said that the final warning a wendigo will give before striking is to unleash a blood-curdling howl in the harsh winter winds. The warning does little to help victims – by the time they hear it, it is already too late.

Practices of a Wendigo While Hunting

Wendigo hunting

A wendigo is ruthless and enjoys terrifying its prey before making a kill. The beast is known to stalk its prey for hours on end until they become impossibly frightened. A wendigo may reveal itself to its victim with a loud shriek or scream to increase their level of terror. It is said that the creature is able to sense the fear of their victims, which only adds to their anticipation and excitement for the kill. The terror of their victims is perhaps the only form of joy a wendigo feels.

Wendigos are also very intelligent compared to other similar beasts and demons. They are hypersensitive and able to stay attuned to every inch of their hunting grounds – which can sometimes stretch for many miles. They are also intuitive about their hunting needs. If they sense that they may soon run out of a food supply they will sometimes take the entrails of their victims and put them in large pots as a backup measure. These pots are then placed at the very tops of tree branches where only the wendigo can reach. If a wendigo senses that it will be an especially harsh winter, it will sometimes take victims alive and keep them prisoner in its lair until it is ready to feed.

There is little that can be done to hide from a wendigo. In fact, many believe that hiding from a wendigo is impossible. It is said that once the creature captures the scent of its prey, it will always know where the person travels no matter how far they go.

Unlike other creatures and spirits, a home will not keep a person safe from the reach of a wendigo. There are many stories that document wendigos who have managed to unlock a home from the outside and slaughter everyone inside. In these cases, the wendigo usually proceeds to convert the home into its lair and will hibernate for months (or even years) until it is awakened by its hunger and driven to eat more human flesh.

Can a Wendigo be Overpowered or Killed?

Although a wendigo is a fearsome opponent, they are not impossible to defeat. It is said that there are several measures that can be taken to protect oneself against a wendigo. The first thing that should be done is to build a fire. According to legend, wendigos will do everything in their power to avoid fire (possibly because it is thought that their hearts are made of ice). A wendigo can be harmed by fire, but their wounds will heal quickly and they will only become more angry and obsessed with their intended victim.

It is also thought that magical amulets and charms can be used to give oneself protection. As the wendigo is a creature of pure and unbridled evil, it can be dissuaded with objects that have been charmed with protective spells.

Last, but certainly not least, a weapon made of silver is required to go up against a wendigo. It is said that silver is the only type of weapon that can seriously hurt a wendigo. A wendigo can be killed with a weapon made of pure silver if it is driven through the creature’s heart of ice. Once this has been done, the shards of the creatures heart must be placed in a silver box and buried in consecrated ground. Next, the body must be dismembered with a silver weapon, slated, and cremated. The ashes must be scattered to the four winds. Failure to properly follow this procedure will result in the resurrection of the creature and a bloody vengeance.

Physical Appearance

Physical Appearance of Wendigo

The wendigo is a fearsome beast with a gruesome appearance. The creature is often described as having long limbs and being extremely thin (almost emaciated) due to its extreme hunger. Most of these creatures are said to be without hair (likely due to their extreme malnutrition). However, in colder regions, it is reported that wendigos sometimes have snow-white hair that is often matted with blood and other gore.

The creature is said to have hands that are withered and bony. At the end of a wendigos fingers there are sharp claws that are sharp enough to tear a person apart with a single touch. Many legends report that these claws are made of ice. This is often considered to be a testament to their control over the elements – especially winter weather.

A wendigos mouth is filled with sharp, needle like teeth that are stained in a disgusting shade of yellow. They are powerful enough to tear through flesh and break apart bones without difficulty. The stench of a wendigos breath is overwhelming and filled with death and corruption. Their tongues are said to be a terrible blue and the mouth of the creature is always covered in blood. Some tales claim that the lips of the creatures mouth are missing. It is said that the wendigo eats its own lips because of its extreme hunger.

A wendigos eyes are said to be large – much larger than the average humans. Sometimes the eyes are described as glowing yellow or red. Other versions claim the eyes of a wendigo are pushed back into the skull of the creature and constantly roll back and forth in blood. The only thing that is visible to human perception is the terrible glow of the eyes that comes from deep within the sockets of the skull.

There are other versions of the wendigo that claim the beast is a decomposing humanoid with the head of a deer. Many descriptions of this version of the wendigo claim that the entrails of the creature are sometimes visible because of the extreme decomposition of the body.

Wendigo Psychosis

Wendigo psychosis is a term given to people who experience some sort of psychological break that causes them to crave human flesh even though they have access to other food supplies. After first tasting human flesh, victims of wendigo psychosis are unable to eat any food other than human flesh. They see themselves as an invincible man-eating monster that can’t be satisfied by anything but human flesh.

This illness was thought to occur when a person had been exposed to the malevolent spirit of the wendigo and was feared more than death itself. In fact, it was considered to be better to kill oneself than to succumb to cannibalistic desires and risk becoming a wendigo.

Those who chose to seek treatment were often fed large quantities of hot fat and grease in the hopes that these proteins would satisfy the victim’s cravings. If the cravings couldn’t be satisfied, the perceived wendigos were executed.

Cases of Wendigo Psychosis

Swift Runner

Swift Runner

Swift Runner

During a particularly harsh winter in 1878, a trapper in Canada named Swift Runner was facing starvation with his family. It is unclear if his eldest son died of natural causes or was sacrificed to feed the family, but we do know that the family resorted to eating the body of the son to evade starvation.

After eating his eldest son, Swift Runner became consumed with greed for human flesh and killed his wife and remaining 5 children in order to cannibalize them. When the winter was over and he was discovered for his crimes he was put on trial for killing and eating his family. When it was determined that he was only 25 miles away from the nearest supply outpost and could have avoided starvation by simply traveling to obtain more food once the weather lightened up, he was diagnosed with wendigo psychosis.

Eventually, Swift Runner confessed to having wendigo psychosis and killing and eating his family for the pleasure of devouring human flesh. He was then executed by the authorities.

Wendigo Fever

Among other powers of the wendigo, it is thought that the creature is able to cause an illness called wendigo fever. This disease is thought to be one of the ways the wendigo is able to obtain victims to eat. It is said to start with a strange and disturbing smell. The only person who can detect the foul smell is the infected person. When the victim falls asleep they will be plagued with terrible nightmares that will cause them to wake up and weep from fear. When they wake, they will begin to feel a terrible burning sensation in their legs and feet which causes them to run from their homes shrieking. All of the victims will inevitably run to the woods, shedding their clothing as they go. These victims are never seen again and are assumed to have been eaten by the wendigo.

Explanation of the Myth

The tale of the wendigo is often seen as a warning against corruption that was told to prevent people from engaging in immoral behaviors. The wendigo was also likely used to serve as a metaphor to understand terrible acts committed by other people that couldn’t be understood otherwise.

As the tale of the wendigo is associated with colder climates, it is often hypothesized that the tale was told to prevent people from engaging in the taboo act of eating human flesh. It also helped to dehumanize those who did decide to eat human flesh by giving others the explanation that they had been overcome with a wendigo spirit and were no longer human.


Saturday, July 7, 2018


In the late night hours you see a swirling cloud of mist even though the quiet night has no breeze. A chill suddenly surrounds you in the humid summer air. For an instant, you could have sworn you saw the figure of a person standing in the mist, but when you look closer they’ve disappeared. Have you just encountered a ghost?

What is a Ghost?

The idea of ghosts has been around for thousands of years and is thought to pre-date modern humans. This is often evidenced by the ancestor worship of many ancient and pre-literate cultures – many of whom believed their ancestors had the power to help them from beyond the grave.

Many anthropologists believe that the early idea of ghosts was developed when it was determined that humans must have a ‘spirit’ in addition to a physical body. Ancient cultures believed this spirit form – that supposedly makes us human – is confined to our physical body during life, but could sometimes be made visible through our breath. This was often evidenced as being fact because of the way warm breath interacts with cold air. In fact, the word ‘spirit comes from the Latin word ‘spiritus’ which meant ‘breath’ or ‘blast.’

The word ‘ghost’, however, has a very different origin. It comes from the word ‘ghoisdo-s’ and means ‘fury’ or ‘rage.’ This is very telling of the ancient perceptions of ghosts. While ‘ghost’ is commonly used interchangeably with the word ‘spirit’, it is much more likely to be used to describe a distressed or malevolent apparition.

What Creates a Ghost?

Ghosts are thought to be the result of many causes depending on geographic location and culture. However, the most common basis for all ghost related beliefs is that when the human body dies, the spirit continues to live. Cultures with religious or spiritual roots often believe that a ghost is created when a spirit is unable to find the necessary peace to move into the afterlife or when the spirit has been corrupted by evil nature.

How to Prevent a Spirit from Becoming a Ghost

There are many things that are done to ensure that this doesn’t happen. The most common practice that is observed worldwide is to give the dead burial rites to help them move peacefully onto the next world. This is partially done because it was thought that spirits who were not properly mourned would become angry and remain in this world to haunt the living.

Some ghosts will not rest until they have haunted – or even harmed – those who wronged them during their lifetime. There are many tales of ghosts who haunted their killers until they were caught or sufficiently punished. However, there are also tales of ghosts who will haunt people who they perceive to be evil or similar to people that they hated during their lifetime. These ghosts often become the basis for urban legends that are passed down from generation to generation. They tend to be the most violent types of ghosts, but there are supposedly ways to deal with them or ensure that they will not harm you.

Despite the fact that many ghosts are believed to have a malevolent nature, there are cultures that believe ghosts can be helpful or even friendly. These ghosts are often brought back from their peaceful resting place because they sense that someone they know or are related to is in imminent danger. There are some cases in which ghosts who perished because of a dangerous place or person come back to try to deliver a warning when they sense another person may fall victim to their fate.

There are also cultures that believe the dead come back to walk among the living during a certain part of the year. They welcome the spirits of the dead, whom they perceive to be benevolent, and offer them many gifts in the hopes that they will be rewarded by the spirits of their ancestors.

Physical Appearance

It is widely believed that ghosts are made up of a wispy substance that is similar to mist. Many anthropologists believe that this comes from the beliefs of ancient cultures. Ancient cultures believed that a person consisted of a physical body and a spiritual body. The spiritual body was confined to the physical body during life, but could sometimes be seen when a person breathed in cold areas.

The mist that is caused by a person’s breath in a cold climate is very similar to our ideas of what comprises a ghost today, making many believe that this is why we believe ghosts are airy.


Others turn to more scientific reasoning when trying to determine the makeup of a ghost. These people often point to ectoplasm as being the source of ghost appearances. Ectoplasm is thought to be a visceral substance similar to gelatin that is somehow manufactured by both ghosts and psychics.


It is thought that ghosts appear to humans when they are able to obtain ectoplasm and drape it over their spirit form. This is thought to be the only substance that allows people to see a ghost in its true form. Psychics who speak of the existence of ectoplasm claim that ghosts are only seen at night because ectoplasm cannot properly form in well-lit locations. However, the substantial number of ghost sightings during the day as well as psychics caught trying to prove their powers through fraud have made this extremely unlikely.

When it comes to psychics who can supposedly create ectoplasm when in a trance state, there is little to no evidence to support their claims. Many scientists who observed psychics in their trance-state were able to detect elements of fraud in their séance. Those who thought that there could be traces of real ectoplasm were never able to prove the existence of such a substance conclusively. Regardless, there are many photographs and accounts of psychics who were able to create such a substance during their meditations that continue to be a source of proof for many believers today.

Outside of the substance that makes up ghosts, there aren’t many certainties. Many people who claim to have seen ghosts insist that they were either wispy and air-like or translucent. Others claim to have encounters with ghosts in such vivid detail that they are unaware of their interaction with an otherworldly spirit until the ghost suddenly disappears or they see the picture of the deceased person later on. There are also accounts of ghosts who appear as they were when they were living, while other accounts tell of ghosts who appear as they were when they died – gruesome wounds included.

Though it isn’t uncommon to hear of physical ghost sightings, it is much more likely to hear of people who encountered ghosts through hauntings. There are many telltale signs of ghost hauntings that feature a sudden cold chill in the air or the sound of chimes and bells that ring without a breeze being present. Other signs can include the sound of voices in an empty house or the sudden appearance of footsteps. The footsteps can appear in dusty areas that are prone to create impressions or can be created by the production of a substance seemingly out of thin air. One example of this can be seen in the case of a haunting where wet footprints appeared outside of a pool long after the water had been drained. Lastly, it is also common for ghosts to use familiar scents to announce their presence. People who experience this type of haunting report smells of perfumes or cigar smoke as being common scents. More extreme cases sometimes report a smoke trail in the air even though they are alone in the room and were not smoking at the time.

There are also cases of hauntings where ghosts are able to make a physical disturbance in their surroundings. These ghosts are known as poltergeists. Most cases of poltergeists are fairly tame and detail a ghost being able to turn lights on and off or knock over small objects. Other poltergeist cases are more severe and result in many damaged items as well as people being put into dangerous situations.

Reasons a Ghost May Be Unable to Move On

The personality of ghosts is largely thought to hold some clue to the reason they remain tethered to the Earth. The most common belief for why ghosts remain on Earth instead of moving on to an afterlife deals with the way in which the ghost died. Many believe that people who die violent or tragic deaths will sometimes come back to haunt those responsible or those who may put others in similar situations.

Other ghosts are more violent and seem to haunt the living based on a need for revenge. These ghosts are usually motivated by events that happened during their lifetime, though there are some cases of ghosts who look for revenge because of a tragic death.

While most ghosts are believed to be evil in nature, this isn’t the case for all ghosts. There are many recorded stories that detail a ghost coming back to deliver an important message to the living. This is sometimes done by a loved one or a distant ancestor who sense that one of their living relatives is about to face a perilous danger. There are also cases of ghosts who were killed because they ventured into a dangerous place or happened across evil people during their lifetime. These ghosts sometimes come back to the living that are about to be put into the same situation to try to warn them away from danger.

There are also cultures that believe the dead are allowed back into our world during a certain time of year. They come back to interact with the living and see their legacy. These cultures often offer their ancestors gifts during the visits in the hopes that their ancestors will grant them blessings and good fortune in return.

Types of Ghosts

Terminology: Spirits

Spirits are considered to be the energy associated with a physical body that make us human. While it is known that our physical bodies will die at some point in time, it is believed that our spirits will survive past the death of our physical bodies. Spirits are considered to be supernatural beings, though they are often limited by our physical bodies.

Residual Hauntings

Alleged haunted Great Amherst House

Alleged haunted Great Amherst House

Residual hauntings (sometimes simply called residual haunts) fall into a unique category of the ghost spectrum. It is believed that residual haunts do not actually haunt the living – rather their energy is played on a loop of some sort that is reflective of the habits of the person who created the energy.

It is thought that this type of energy is created when a person engages in repetitive habits that are built into a memory bank of sorts. When that person passes on, their energy remains and becomes a presence of its own.

Residual haunts do not have apparitions and are not really considered to be spirits. They are simply energy that is left behind from a spirit that used to inhabit the space that is now haunted. Common residual haunts include the sound of voices and laughter, hearing footsteps, or hearing crying and screaming.

Intelligent Ghosts

It is not known why intelligent ghosts haunt the areas that they do – it is only known that they seem to be aware of their surroundings in our physical world. Many pseudoscientists who try to make contact with ghosts search for intelligent apparitions to communicate with.

The personality of these apparitions varies, but most are considered to be somewhere along the spectrum of friendly to mischievous. These types of ghosts are often categorized for their attempts to make contact with the living. To do this, they often try to speak, touch living people, or move small objects to show that they are present.


Poltergeists are a type of intelligent ghost, but are put into their own category for their bothersome and sometimes destructive behavior. They interact through noise and disturbance (poltergeist literally translates to noisy ghost) and often try to get the attention of the living by making loud sounds.

Some poltergeists have visible apparitions, but this is not always the case. They often move, throw, bang, or open and close objects to get the attention of humans. Sometimes they will scream loudly. It is thought that the strength of a poltergeist may grow over time – often to the dismay of the people they haunt. Poltergeists are not friendly. Some may only be mischievous, while others are more aptly categorized as being aggressive. Sometimes their aggressiveness and negativity causes them to be confused with demonic ghosts.

Poltergeists tend to appear and disappear without rhyme or reason. Many hypothesize that this is because they feed on the energies and emotions of the people they haunt.

Demonic Ghosts

Demonic ghosts are not thought to be human in nature, though they behave in a similar manner to human apparitions. The difference is that demonic ghosts are known to be much more powerful and are thought to sometimes take control of living human beings.

Demonic apparitions are usually thought to be humanoid, though some appear to be animals with humanistic qualities. They have the ability to walk, fly, and disappear into thin air. In fact, it seems that demonic apparitions have the power to do whatever they desire.

These ghosts are dangerous and evil in nature. Their existence is often recorded by the Catholic Church, and it is thought that these ghosts make up the majority of spirits that need to be exorcised from human victims.

Crisis Ghosts

Crisis ghosts are ghosts that appear on behalf of those who are dying or have recently died (though a few cases have reported crisis ghosts who appear from a living person). It is common for these types of ghosts to appear within 12 hours of death, though they can make their presence known for up to 48 hours after their death.

Crisis ghosts appear only once and have a very specific purpose in mind – to deliver one last message to their living loved ones. Often, these ghosts appear to give farewell messages to loved ones they were unable to see in person before their deaths. There are also cases of crisis ghosts who reappear to someone they loved or were close to in order to give that person a message with useful information.

In rare cases, crisis ghosts can appear on behalf of those who are not yet dead. This is normally done to ask for help and it is hypothesized that this type of crisis ghost could be made possible through some form of astral projection.

Protective Ghosts

Protective ghosts are spirits that remain on Earth or come back from the next world to protect their living loved ones. These ghosts are most commonly documented in cases where the living relative or loved one is in danger. This can sometimes be to foretell of a dangerous situation that the loved one will face, though it is more common for these ghosts to appear if their loved one is in the general vicinity of a demon or other dangerous entity.

Malevolent Ghosts

Malevolent ghosts are spirit-beings that seek to inflict harm or pain onto the living. There are a range of reasons for why a malevolent ghost wishes to harm the living, but the most common is revenge. Sometimes these ghosts experience jealousy towards the living that they wish to take out on those in the general vicinity, other times the entity wishes for the living to feel and share its sadness.

There have also been documented cases of malevolent ghosts who haunt homeowners who have invaded their space. These hauntings stop as soon as they have moved away from the premises.

Ghosts of the Dead

Ghosts of the dead are known to appear after a person has recently passed. They are usually differentiated from crisis ghosts because they appear after 48 hours have passed or they appear more than once.

These ghosts usually visit those that they knew while they were living, though there are cases of ghosts of the dead who visit people they had no connection to while living.

These ghosts are known to haunt places or people that they were deeply connected to while they were living. These cases are rare, but have been documented nonetheless.
A man in armour is confronted by a ghost and a skeleton

Holidays That Celebrate Ghosts

Hallows Eve

Hallows Eve (more commonly known as Halloween) isn’t just a candy-fest that happens every October. Originally, Hallows Eve marked the end of the summer (which was called Samhain at the time) and the beginning of the dark half of the year.

It was thought that the barrier between our world and the world of spirits became weak, allowing the spirit realm to inhabit the land of the living and wreck havoc. It was thought that these spirits were capable of all kinds of destruction, though one of the most feared methods of destruction was the destroying of crops. To try to appease these spirits, bonfires would be built in order to sacrifice crops and animals.

People would also pray for the souls of the deceased – especially those who had passed recently. This was done in the hopes that those who had not yet reached heaven would be able to do so during this time.

Poor families would knock on the doors of the rich who had recently lost a relative during these festivals. The rich would give them a pastry called a soul cake in exchange for a prayer on behalf of their dead relative. The practice was called ‘souling.’

Souling eventually evolved to include more than just the offering of a pastry until it became a practice known and appreciated by millions of children worldwide: ‘trick or treating.’

All Souls Day

All Souls Day is celebrated on November 2nd and is observed out of respect for all Christians who have died. It is believed by the Roman Catholic Church that a soul which is not perfectly clean from Earthly sins and transgressions upon leaving the body after death will not be able to enter Heaven. Instead, it will be sent to Purgatory.

It is thought that prayers and sacrifices on behalf of the souls trapped in Purgatory can help to free them from this space and allow them to enter Heaven. Christians pray for their loved ones on All Souls Day in the hopes of helping them into Heaven if they have not already made it there themselves.


Obon is a traditional Buddhist festival celebrated in Japan. It is based on the belief that the spirits of the dead are able to come back to the land of the living and visit their relatives during the middle of the seventh lunar month. Most of these festivals are held from August 13th to August 16th.

Many people who celebrate Obon travel to their hometowns to ensure that they are able to welcome the spirits of all their ancestors. They welcome the spirits of the dead with a ritualistic dance and honor their ancestors with floating lanterns.

At the end of Oban, bonfires are built outside of the city. It is thought that the light from these fires helps to guide the spirits back to their world.

El Dia De Los Muertos

El Dia De Los Muertos marks the day that the dead are able to return to Earth and celebrate among the living. El Dia De Los Muertos takes place during a similar timeframe as Hallows Eve and All Souls Day (November 1st and 2nd).

During the beginning of November, it is thought in Mexico that the dead are able to return to the living world to visit their loved ones. Their surviving relatives throw large parades and celebrations in their honor and it is thought that the dead are able to enjoy the festivities with them.

It is tradition to clean the graves of deceased loved ones and adorn the plot with pictures, candles, and favorite foods and drinks of the one who is passed. The candle is thought to help guide them to and from the world of the living, while the food and drink are meant for enjoyment.

Hungry Ghost Festival

Hungry Ghost Festival is celebrated in China and is believed to be the day when ghosts are able to return to interact with the living. During this time, food is left on alters to appease hungry spirits that may be haunting the streets during the festivals.

It is also tradition for paper sacrifices to be made on behalf of the dead. These paper sacrifices often include things like fake money, cars, and other precious items. It is thought that when these things were burned, they would provide for their ancestors in the afterlife.

It is also common for people to stay indoors during the nighttime hours. Many believe that going outside at night during the Hungry Ghost Festival could cause a ghost to haunt their family.

Pchum Ben

Pchum Ben is celebrated in Cambodia and is considered to be the time that ghosts are able to come back to the living world in order to atone for sins in their past lives. These spirits are considered to be hungry and it is common for people to leave food and drink offerings to help ease the burden of the otherworldly suffering of these ghosts.

The festival lasts for 15 days, during which time everyone wears white – the official color of mourning in Cambodia.

Famous Ghosts

The Flying Dutchman

The Flying Dutchman

The Flying Dutchman is supposedly a 17th century merchant ship that is cursed to haunt the seas because of the foolish actions of its Captain. During a terrible storm, the crew members and passengers aboard the ship begged the Captain to try to find refuge on the shore. The Captain refused and decided to challenged God himself to sink the ship. No one on the ship was ever seen alive again, though the ghost ship has been sighted numerous times since it’s final voyage. Anyone who sees the ship on high seas is said to be cursed with bad luck.

Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary is the ghost of a woman who killed all of her children for no apparent reason. Her ghost can be summoned by standing in front of a mirror in a dark room and saying her name three times.

Ann Boleyn

The ghost of Ann Boleyn is one of the most famous ghosts in history – especially in Great Britain. Ann Boleyn had the misfortune on being one of Henry VIII’s many wives. When he became dissatisfied with her, he demanded that she be executed by beheading in the Tower of London.

Since her execution, Ann’s ghost has been seen haunting the Tower of London many times. In one instance, she appeared to a guard who demanded that she stop only to be faced by her apparition. He was shocked to find that the figure (who he thought was an intruder) had no head. He shoved his bayonet at the figure and was shocked with an electrical pulse that rendered him unconscious.

Originally, it was believed that the guard created the story to escape court martial for falling asleep on his watch. Later on, however, when he was put on trial, the guard was found not guilty when several witnesses corroborated his story.

Explanation of the Myth

The most popular explanation for ghosts is that they are fiction created to comfort the living. Because many religions and cultures believe in an afterlife, it follows that there is an essence or spirit inside living humans that will continue after death.

Stories of ghosts may have originated as comfort for the living that their loved ones were at peace or as a warning to stay away from certain places or behaviors.

The existence or inexistence of ghosts may be impossible to prove, but their place in folklore across the world cannot be denied.


Friday, July 6, 2018


In the undergrounds of Egypt lurks a mysterious race of peoples whose life purpose remains a mystery to the world above. They guard the remains of the once great Egyptian Pharaohs and largely remain a mystery that is greatly feared by the majority of people.

It is said that if you dare to look inside the tombs of the Pharaohs without knowledge of an anti-spell to serve as protection, you will be cursed with the wrath of the Pharaohs. Should you befall this misfortune and smell a great stench it is likely too late – the wrath of the ifrits will soon be upon you.

What is an Ifrit?

An Ifrit is a creature that comes to us from Arabic lore. This creature is supposedly connected to their creation story and, is therefore, one of the more feared and respected figures in their lore.

Ifrits are supposedly a type of jinn that have a rebellious nature. In fact, the word ‘ifrit’ seems to be a reference to the spirit of this jinn subcategory. Arabic philologists agree that the root ‘-f-r’ tends to be used to indicate objects or beings who are ‘rebellious’ and ‘strong.’

According to mythology, the ifrit was one of the first groups of beings to be created by Allah and were proud of their form. However, the introduction of humans posed a problem for the ifrit and other jinn. They could not see how this new race, made of brittle clay, could rival their superior form which was made of smokeless fire. One ifrit in particular named Iblis refused to accept Allah’s favor towards Adam.

For Iblis’ disobedience, he was cast out of Allah’s favor. Though he should have been killed for his sins, he was granted respite until Judgement day. However, he still bears a large grudge towards humans because of his lost favor. Because of this grudge, he is said to strive to lead all humans astray in hopes that they too will loose favor with Allah. For his deceptions and evil intents, Iblis is often referred to as Shaitan.

Many who study religion believe that Iblis is the Islam equivalent of Satan. He is the jinn who is said to have tempted Adam and Eve, causing them to be cast out of paradise. However, though Iblis (like Satan) is thought to have caused the fall of man, there are noticeable differences in the interpretations of each religious text. The most noticeable is that Iblis is not seen as a rival of Allah. He will not fight Allah when judgment day comes, but will die with all the other souls who have defied their creator. He is also not seen as an angel because he was given free will and the Islam faith dictates that angels always obey their creator.

Though an ifrit is always considered to be an evil or malevolent being, there is the possibility that these beings can have pure souls. Ifrits are similar to humans in that they are given free will and are therefore able to make their own decisions about how they live their lives. They can be believers or nonbelievers and could be pure of heart or evil in nature. Ifrit who believe in Allah are thought to sometimes appear in the houses of Muslims in the form of a snake. Because of this, it is forbidden to kill them before the name of Allah has been mentioned at least three times as a warning to these jinn. If the snake remains in the home of the believer after Allah’s name has been mentioned three times, it can be safely assumed that the snake is a devil and the beast can be killed without question.

Ifrit are also interesting in that they are known to live with social structures similar to that of humans. They have kings, queens, and royal families as well as a social hierarchy that is said to resemble that of desert tribesmen. They are also said to have marriages that abide by similar rules as human marriages. They are known to marry their own kind, though they do have the ability to marry humans and have children with their human spouses.

As jinn, ifrit are known to be much more powerful than humans and even spirits, though their power is not as mighty as an angel’s. The ifrit is often known to be cunning with its magic – likely because Iblis is not the only one of the ifrit to hold a grudge towards Allah’s favoring of man over jinn.

Although the ifrit enjoy appearing in their mighty form, they are capable of appearing in other forms as well. When an ifrit appears in its natural form, it is a strong smoke-like being made of fire. However, when they appear in a different form, they are able to disguise itself as either animals or ordinary humans. There are some legends that suggest an ifrit in human form may appear as people who had been turned black by fire. It is because of this that many Africans were thought to be (or referred to as) Ifrit by those who were raised with Arabic lore.

Ifrit are known for their immense power. As their name suggests that they are either incredibly strong or rebellious (or both), they are often feared. In addition to their strength, they have the same powers as other jinn. This includes being able to transform into nearly any shape they desired and the ability to cast spells. They were also immune to mortal weapons, which meant that their great power and might was often unable to be matched by human power alone.

It is thought that the only way to truly hold power over an ifrit is to use magic. Although the ifrit are very strong and durable, they are not magical beings. Therefore the use of magic presents a unique opportunity for humans. With it, they are able to harm and kill ifrits, as well as bind them into servitude. The use of magic by humans is the only thing that ifrits and other jinn truly fear when dealing with humans. Magic was often used to bind ifrits to objects. Whoever possessed the object that bound an ifrit was considered to be the ifrit’s master. It is from these magic practices that the three wishes legend originated from.

Though magic was the most common way known to harm or capture and ifrit, there were other ways to gain power over these creatures. One of the most common ways for an ordinary citizen to protect themselves from ifrit was to simply recite a du’a. A du’a is considered to be a profound act of worship. As such, it makes sense that this would be thought to protect a person from the ifrit because it was demonstrated in Iblis’ defiance of man that Allah would come to the aid of man if necessary.

Alternative Explanations for the Creation of Ifrits

Although the above description of ifrit is the most widely accepted, there are old legends that suggest ifrit may have a different source of origin. Some of these legends suggest that in ifrit is not made from smokeless fire, but from the blood of a murder victim. These versions often say that once an ifrit had formed from the blood of a murder victim, they were free to take the shape of the deceased victim, a sandstorm, or Satan himself. It is from this origin that these legends explain the vengeful nature of ifrits.

There are also legends that work to combine the implications of both stories. Many legends that take from the idea of ifrits being a subsection of jinn and ifrits being created from the blood of murder victims claim that these creatures are not made of the blood of victims, but rather drawn to it. These ifrit are supposedly able to gain power from the spirit (or blood) of murder victims and are often driven to do the will of those who were murdered. Because of this, these legends often tell of how an ifrit was driven to seek revenge against the murder of the victim whose soul they drew power from.

Famous Ifrit


Iblis is perhaps the most famous of the ifrit people and is known for his disobedience to Allah. The ifrit Iblis was angered at Allah’s favoritism towards Adam and Eve because they were of a new race that he considered to be inferior to his people. As an ifrit, Iblis was made of smokeless fire and was given more power and strength than humans. He looked upon Allah’s new creations of brittle clay with disdain.

When he refused to kneel before Adam, he was cast out of Allah’s favor and barred from paradise. It is thought that all ifrits have a deep disdain for humans because of this event. However, even though Iblis was cast out of Allah’s favor, his life has been spared until Judgement Day. It is said that Iblis is using his extra time to tempt man into damnation as revenge.

Hamou Ukaiou

Hamou Ukaiou is an evil ifrit who is said to be married to another jinn named Aicha Kandida. The couple is known for their similar night hunting tactics. Hamou preys on women while Aicha preys on men.

Hamou Ukaiou is known for targeting women who travel alone at night in the hopes that he will find an opportunity to attack and devour them. He is a fearful entity and is part of the reason that female travelers are reluctant to venture on their own at night.

Although most ifrit are not affected by human weapons, it is thought that sharpening a knife on the ground may be cause for Hamou Ukaiou to flee from his intended target.

The Three Wishes Myth

Althought ifrit are considered to be powerful and mighty creatures, there are thought to be several ways to gain power over the creatures. The most common are to use magic or invoke Allah through prayer.

Because a person can use magic over an ifrit to harm them or bind them to an object, the legend of the three wishes evolved over time. It was thought that if a person were to come across an item that had an ifrit bound to it, that person would be granted three wishes if they were to rub or clean the object.

It is important to note, however, that even an enslaved ifrit is still incredibly sly and cunning. If an ifrit were enslaved or bound to an object against their will, they would often use the wording of their master’s wish against them. Instead of granting wishes that honored the intentions of their masters, they would grant wishes that followed the exact wording of the desire implored to them. In this way, they were still able to undermine their master’s power and exact revenge against those who tried to harness their power without consent.

There are also variations of the three wishes myth that imply that ifrit would sometimes trick people into making more than three wishes. Once a fourth wish had been made, the previous three wishes would become undone. This would help ifrit take revenge against anyone who managed to word their wishes precisely enough that their desires could not be used against them.

Although the three wishes myth became very popular, it appears to be no more than a myth. The majority of stories regarding ifrit bound to items implies that they will only follow the wishes of the master who currently posses their object. They will only do the bidding of another if ownership of the item has been transferred to that person.


Physical Description

An ifrit is said to be an enormous creature with wings. These beings are a subcategory of jinn and are said to be made of smokeless fire. These beings are often depicted as having fierce features that are sometimes terrifying to humans. Many ancient depictions of ifrit suggest that these creatures sometimes have horns or fangs.

There are also many descriptions that say that ifrit are often capable of appearing in any shape or form they desire. They can appear in the shape of an animal (and are noted to commonly appear as dogs) or a person with no threatening characteristics. It is said that ifrit who choose to take human form normally appear to be burned by fire. Because of this, people from the Middle East are sometimes known to refer to those of African descent as ‘ifrit.’

Although ancient legends tell us tat ifrit are made from smokeless fire and humans are said to be made of clay, it is possible for an ifrit and a human to produce children together. Despite this possibility, many ifrit choose to marry within their own race of peoples.


Although the majority of ifrit are thought to be evil and malevolent, there is the possibility for ifrit to be of pure heart or to do good deeds. Because they are jinn, they are capable of making their own decisions about how to conduct their lives. They live in social structures that are similar to those of humans. In fact, ifrit are known to have kings, tribes, and clans that function with similar social structures as the human equivalents to these groups. These ifrit are free to have their own beliefs and as such can choose to follow any religion that they wish.

Despite the fact that ifrit are known to be capable of good deeds, they are often seen as evil creatures. This is largely because of their resentment towards Allah’s favor towards his creation of man over the creation of jinn. Ifrit are known to be especially bitter towards this favoritism and are known to take their revenge by causing humans to fall out of favor with Allah.

Ifrit are known to be very mischievious and are thought to scam humans for entertainment. Those who believe in jinn often point to ifrits as culprits of scams committed in modern day.

Ifrit in Modern Day

Sightings During the Early 1900’s

Although ifrit are largely considered to be purely mythical, there were frequent sightings of these creatures in Egypt up until the Second World War. There are no indications as to the reason for the sightings, though a possible conclusion is that the exposure to the scientific based explanations of the Western World helped to identify more reasonable explanations for strange occurrences.

Regardless of why the sightings stopped, it seemed to be common knowledge in the early 1900’s that ifrit who lived in the desert and were fond of leading humans into misfortune. It was said to be a common occurrence for ifrit to appear in the shape of a dog and lead travelers into the desert until they became lost. Many British soldiers who visited the pyramids were warned of such occurrences by locals.

The Tomb of DrAb el Naga

In the northern parts of Qurna (which is most commonly called DrAb el Naga), a family was using a cave as a stable and lumber room. One day, while working to remove rubbish from his stable, the owner came across an opening to a passageway. It was then that he realized his stable was not in an ordinary cave – rather it was part of a undecorated tomb that had likely belonged to one of Egypt’s ancient royals. The owner was immediately excited by the possibilities of treasure and wealth for his family and continued to excavate the site in secret. He did tell his family about the discovery, but kept the information to a very limited few.

The man continued to excavate the site and reached the point where he would be able to open the passageway that led to the tomb. Instead of exploring the site right away, however, he waited for a day that his family was away.

The next morning, his wife was curious about her husband’s disappearance and ventured into the stables. She found the passageway and entered. Several hours later, the mother of the wife followed into the passageway in search of her daughter. When the grandmother didn’t return, a cousin went into the passageway in search of her body. When that cousin didn’t return, a second cousin went in after him.

After the second cousin failed to return, two relatives who were growing nervous with concern decided to go down together with candles. They found the second cousin laying on the floor and drug him back out to the stable entrance. Unfortunately, they didn’t find him fast enough and he died soon after.

The police were called and arrived with an antiquities inspector who was hoping to find the treasure that was mentioned by the family. The policemen and inspector went down together and explored the pathway until the air began to smell foul. They thought they found the bodies of the earlier victims, but were unable to reach them because of their extreme nausea.

Although everyone present agreed that an ifrit was responsible for the deaths of the family members, the official cause of death was listed as asphyxia by poisonous gas. The site is now protected – no one is allowed to open or enter the site again.

Explanation of the Myth

Ifrit are found in the creation story that is recorded in the Quran. Though there is no definite proof of their existence, their appearance in religious texts is likely a result of the belief in Allah’s abilities to create many races and creatures.



The clouds grow dark as a figure in the sky approaches with impressive speed. The bright feathers of this enormous winged creature make for a stark contrast in the sky. It seems to be coasting on the winds above, but with every flap of its wings the rumbling of thunder can be heard.

The people below stare in awe at this mighty protector and enforcer. Behold – the might Thunderbird.

What is a Thunderbird

The Thunderbird is a mythological character that appears in many Native American legends. From the numerous stories of the Thunderbird, it is often assumed that Thunderbird is a protector – though at times this creature can be forced to punish those of low moral integrity.

There is much curiosity surrounding the existence of the Thunderbird myths. Many would claim that these myths are simply symbolism that is used to explain natural weather phenomenon. However, there are those that have higher hopes. A small section of pseudoscientists believes that the Thunderbird could have been a pterodactyl that managed to survive longer than thought possible or another form of megafauna. Some with this belief are of the opinion that the Thunderbird may be a cryptid instead of a mythological creature, though this is unlikely. We know from legend that the Thunderbird is an enormous creature and it would be unlikely for them to have survived this long away from the public eye.

According to many legends, the Thunderbird is so large that one feather from their wingspan would have to be folded in half to properly fit into a quiver. Additionally, these creatures were so large and mighty that they could easily carry a whale in their talons. Because of this, many scholars find it unlikely that the Thunderbird could exist in modern day without being seen.

In spite of these things, the Thunderbird continues to be a point of fascination for all. The Thunderbird appears to be a creature of extreme intelligence and intrigue. There are many stories that tell of the Thunderbird in Native American legends, which make the creature appear to be one of the key deities in their beliefs. The Thunderbird is mysterious in that it is not merely a protector, but is also seen as enforcer of morality – one that should never be angered.

Many legends reference the anger of the Thunderbirds as something fearsome to behold and that should be avoided at all costs. The Thunderbird is known to have harsh punishments for people who have done wrong and is even said to have turned an entire village to stone for their wrongdoings.

The Thunderbird was known to give life by nurturing the lifeforms on Earth and giving them the necessary rains to survive. However, these creatures could also destroy the earth with winds, floods, droughts, and fires caused by lighting.

The Thunderbird is thought to be the physical embodiment of the elements as well as a noble spirit that would protect humans from evil spirits. There are some legends that claim the Thunderbird may have even been a distant ancestor to the human race.

Additionally, the Thunderbird myth is very widespread throughout American and Canada. There are also records of similar creatures in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Depending on whose version of the myth is being told, the Thunderbird can be a single entity or can constitute a whole race (or tribe) of peoples. Some cultures even believe this mighty creature may have married into human families and have offspring that can be traced back to this today.

Many legends suggest that Thunderbirds had the ability to shapeshift into human form. They supposedly did this by removing their feathers (which could be put on and taken off like a blanket) and tipping their beaks up over their heads similar to the way one might do with a mask. When this was done, a Thunderbird could walk among humans without drawing attention. All that needed to be done for them to transform again was to pull down their beaks and put on their feathers again.

Thunderbird in Various Cultures

Thunderbird of the Menominee Peoples

According to the Menominee tribe, the Thunderbirds live on an enormous mountain that floats in the sky. These majestic creatures are known to control the elements (rain, hail, etc.) and sometimes watch the happenings of human life. They are said to find great pleasure in fighting and the accomplishment of impressive feats. These Thunderbirds are known to be enemies of the Misikinubik (The Great Horned Snake) and are the reason mankind has not been devoured or overrun.

The Menominee Thunderbirds are also known to be messengers of the Great Sun and were highly respected by these peoples.

Thunderbird of the Ojibwe Peoples

The Ojibwe legends of the Thunderbird claim this creature was created by Nanabozho (one of the culture’s hero figures) in order to protect people from evil underwater spirits. They lived in the four directions and migrated to the land of the Ojibwe during the spring with other birds. During this time they fought the underwater spirits. They stayed until the fall when the most dangerous season for the underwater spirits had passed. In the fall, they migrated south with other birds.

The Ojibwe Thunderbird legends also suggest that these creatures were responsible for punishing humans who broke moral rules. As the anger of the Thunderbird is known to be extreme, this would have been great incentive to maintain good moral conduct.

Thunderbird of the Winnebago Peoples

The Thunderbird of the Winnebago people suggests that this creature also had the power to grant people great abilities. Their traditions dictates that any man who has a vision of the Thunderbird during a fast will one day become a mighty war chief.

Thunderbird of the Sioux Peoples

Sioux legends claim that the Thunderbird was a noble creature that protected humans from Unktehila during the ‘old times.’ The Unktehila were said to be extremely dangerous reptilian monsters – without the help of the Thunderbird it is uncertain if man would have been able to overcome these creatures alone.

Thunderbird of the Arapaho Peoples

Arapaho mythology sees the Thunderbird as a summer creature (as did many of the tribes of the Great Plains). According to their legends, the Thunderbird was an opposing force to the White Owl (the creature that represented winter).

Thunderbird of the Algonquian Peoples

The Algonquian Peoples had deep reverence for the Thunderbird in their culture. According to their legends, Thunderbirds were ancestors of the human race. Their stories often tell of the Thunderbird’s part in the creation of the universe.

According to their myths, Thunderbird ruled over the upperworld and the Great Horned Serpent ruled over the underworld. Thunderbird protects humans from the Great Horned Serpent and its followers by throwing lighting at underwater creatures.

Thunderbird of the Shawnee Peoples

Like many other tribes, the Shawnee people also believed the Thunderbird could change its appearance in order to interact with people. Their beliefs, however, detail that Thunderbirds appeared as boys and could be identified by their tendency to speak backwards.


Physical Description

The Thunderbird is considered to be a mighty creature of enormous size. They are often depicted as being a fantastic size that is difficult to comprehend – a single feather from the Thunderbird’s wingspan is said to be so large that it would need to be folded in half to properly fit into a quiver. It is often said that a Thunderbird is able to pick up a whale in its talons. The frequency with which whales are mentioned in these legends may suggest that whales were a favorite food source of hungry Thunderbirds.

Thunderbirds were also known to have bright and colorful feathers that were very pleasing to look at. Each flap of their wings allowed them to cover great distances and caused a mighty thundering sound – which likely inspired their name. These creatures were also known to have teeth and claws. Though this was often an imposing sight, it was also seen as comforting because the Thunderbird was known to be a great protector.

Varying legends tend to differ at this point when it comes to storytelling. There are some who say that the Thunderbird carried lakes of water upon its back. Those who tell this version of the story say that this is where the rains that nourish the lands come from.

There are also stories that suggest the Thunderbird had another face in the middle of its chest. There are several variations of this part of the myth – it is uncertain if the face is avian-like or if the face that was seen was a misidentification of two glowing snakes that the creature was said to carry with it. Most versions that claim the Thunderbird carried snakes with it also claim that these snakes were responsible for the lightning bolts that filled the sky upon the great bird’s arrival.

Other versions of the Thunderbird myth disagree. It is their opinion that the Thunderbird was able to create lighting by simply blinking its eyes.


One aspect of the Thunderbird’s personality that is universal throughout all Native cultures is the amazing intelligence of the creature. They were known to be extremely knowledgeable which contributed greatly to their respect in Native communities.

Another commonality is the benevolent nature of these creatures. Though the origin of these creatures is sometimes disputed, they are consistently recognized as protectors of the human race against evil creatures and spirits that wished to do them harm. However, the Thunderbird’s wrath could be turned against humans if they were to come across a man who was morally corrupt or if they perceived that man had wronged them in some way. In either of these cases, the Thunderbird’s anger would bring swift and extreme punishment. Because of this, Native cultures would do everything in their power to avoid being the subject of the Thunderbird’s anger.

Those who were deemed as being of good character and noble spirit however, could expect to be received well by the Thunderbirds. It was thought that these creatures were fond of watching fights and great feats being performed by man. Some legends claimed that if a Thunderbird appeared to a person in a vision while fasting, that person would one day become a great war chief.

Thunderbird Myths

Thunderbird Fights Mimlos-Whale

At one point in time, it was said there was a great flood that covered a significant portion of the Earth. During this flood, Thunderbird is said to have fought Mimlos-Whale. Their fight was long and brutal. The Thunderbird would grab Mimlos-Whale with his mighty talons and drag the creature to his mountain nest. Mimlos-Whale was tricky however, and would manage to escape the nest and find refuge in the water again. Every time Thunderbird captured Mimlos-Whale, there would be a great fight between the two beasts. The noise that resulted from their fight was so great it shook the mountains. Their battle was so brutal that they uprooted all the trees in any area they fought in.

The fight between Thunderbird and Mimlos-Whale continued for a great period of time until finally Thunderbird was tired and allowed Mimlos-Whale to escape into the depths of the ocean. It is said that this is why the killer whale can still be found in the ocean today (as Mimlos-Whale is thought to be represented by this whale).

Although the fight between the two creatures ended with no clear victor, the memory of their battle can still be seen on the face of the Earth. The places where they fought still remain bare of trees to this day and are thought to be the prairies that are found on the Olympic Peninsula.

Thunderbird Turns People to Stone

There is said to be a time when a hunter living in Beaver Prairie happened across one of Thunderbird’s kills while looking for food. While there, he saw a great whale that the Thunderbird had carried into the prairie. The whale was so heavy that the Thunderbird needed to rest before eating it’s prey and had fallen asleep. The hunter took a feather from Thunderbird’s wing and went back to his people.

When he returned to his village, he told his people of his encounter with Thunderbird and showed them the wing as evidence. The wing was as long as a canoe paddle and it did not take them long before they had come to believe the hunter. He then told the people that he had seen a whale in the prairie and that if they went quickly, they would be able to cut up the whale and eat it themselves.

A great number of beach and river tribes came in canoes and approached the dead carcass of the whale. In their greedy excitement, they cut up the whole whale. By the end of the evening, the entire whale had been cut into pieces and was being cooked by the people. They were satisfied with this feat, though their satisfaction would not last long.

Suddenly, the sky became dark and the clouds began to draw together. This was the sign that Thunderbird was returning and was angry with the people for stealing his food while he was sleeping. He caused a great storm to take place.

At first the storm was only rain. Soon however, the rain turned into hail that was larger than a man’s fist. The hail plummeted to the ground with brutal speed and killed everyone on the prairie below. After Thunderbird’s storm passed, he turned the people and all their stolen meat into stone. This caused a ridge of large rocks to be formed. This ridge reached from one edge of the prairie to the other end.

It is said that this ridge still exists. If one looks closely, they can see the head and ribs of the great whale that was stolen from Thunderbird.

Thunderbird Causes a Great Flood and Separates the Quileute Peoples

It is said that once, Thunderbird became so angry with the people that he caused a great flood to occur. The oceans rose so high that the Quileute were forced to get into their boats to take shelter. The oceans rose so high that even the tops of the mountains were covered with water. This went on for four days.

After four days the Quileute sailed with no sun or landmarks to guide them. When the waters receded (again for four days) it was discovered that many of the Quileute had been scattered. When they found land again, some of the Quileute found that they were in Hoh. Others discovered themselves in Chemakum. Both of these groups decided to stay there to live out their lives. Very few of the people forced to flee were able to find their way back to Quileute.

The Origin of Thunderbird According to the Passamaquoddy Peoples

It is said that the Thunderbird was discovered when two warriors of the Passamaquoddy people wanted to find the origin of thunder. They embarked on a journey that took them north until they reached a large mountain. These mountains were magical and were able to pull apart slowly and then smash together again quickly.

The warriors crossed the mountain pass one after another, each vowing to the other to continue if they were unable to succeed in their mission. The first warrior made it through the mountain pass, but the second warrior was crushed by the colliding rocks.

Once on the other side of the mountain pass, the first warrior found a large plain with a group of wigwams. Near the wigwams, there was a group of Indians who were playing a game. For a while they played, but after some time had passed they decided it was time for them to go. They went into the wigwams and put on wings, then flew back over the mountains to the south.

There were, however, a few of the elder men that still remained in the camp. When they saw the warrior, they questioned him to discover who he was and why he had wandered into their camp. He told them of his desire to discover the origin of thunder. The elders talked for a while until they were able to decide on a way to help him understand the origin of thunder.

After some time, they called the warrior over and put him inside a large mortar. They then pounded all of his bones until they were broken and created a new body for the warrior – complete with wings like the Thunderbird. Then, they gave the young warrior a bow and arrows and sent him on his way.

This is how the Passamaquoddy warrior became a Thunderbird. Legend claims that he still keeps guard over good Indians and is a mighty protector.

Thunderbird Saves People from Unktehi

According to legend, the Thunderbird Wakan Tanka was the grandson of a the great sky spirit that had created the world and brought people into existence. All would have been peaceful if the water spirit Unktehi not gotten envolved. Unktehi thought people were parasites and she and her followers (the Unktehila) tried to drown all humans. Terrified, the people retreated to the highest hill they could find and prayed for help. Wakan Tanka heard their pleas and came to fight Unktehi so she would leave the people in peace. Wakan Tanka caused lightning to split open the earth. This drained Unktehi and the Unktehila into the cracks, far away from mankind.

Origin of the Myth

Many who have studied the Thunderbird myth are convinced that it originated as a way for Native Americans to better explain the world around them. It is supposedly a creature who has control over both life and death. As such, the Thunderbird serves as a respected deity and demonstrates how the elements can give humans both life and be a cause of death or endangerment.

People who think the story of the Thunderbird is figurative often point to the story of the travelers who went in search of Thunderbird. In this story, there are two travelers looking to discover the origin of thunder. When they look to the part of the story that tells us one of the travelers is crushed between two rocks, some scholars are convinced that this is a metaphor used to discuss the semi-visible shape of the man in in the moon as a crushed Indian warrior.

If this warrior is a fixture in the moon, it could mean that the Thunderbird is a constellation. There is one pictograph in particular that intrigues researchers for its resemblance to a stellar feature that many believe could be a supernova.

Despite these speculations, the origin of the Thunderbird myth is admittedly unknown.

Pterodactyls and Megafauna

While many rely on a more theological explanation, there are some who believe the stories of Thunderbird are inspired by real creatures that were witnessed by the early Native Americans. The explanation for which creature this may be tends to vary, but tends to lead to the suggestion that the Thunderbird could be a cryptid as well as a legendary creature.

Those who point to the pterodactyls are insistent that the early Native Americans were known to inhabit the Americas at a point in time where they could have encountered one of these creatures if it had managed to survive past the estimated extinction of the dinosaurs. Because of the pterodactyl’s great wingspan, it is plausible that the sound made from this creature’s flapping of wings could have been the cause of the name ‘Thunderbird.’ The pterodactyl is also a solid candidate because it has teeth. While teeth do not always appear in the legend of the Thunderbird, there are many totem poles with carvings of the creature that suggest it does have teeth.

The major drawback to the pterodactyl being the source of the myths is that the wings of the Thunderbird and wings of the pterodactyl appear to be very different. The pterodactyl is thought to have wings that are similar to that of a bat. The Thunderbird, however, is thought to have wings that are feathered. There are some that still argue the pterodactyl could be a likely candidate because the wings could have been a similar color and the Native tribes may have simply observed these creatures from a distance without ever interacting with them up close. Details in the legend, however, contradict this. Legends of the Thunderbird often refer to the bright colors of the creature’s feathers. These two facts seem to eliminate the pterodactyl entirely.

There may, however, be an alternative explanation. Species of megafauna are known to have existed in the Americas during the time that the first peoples would have been settling on the continent and it is possible that a species of megafauna is responsible for the very detailed descriptions of the Thunderbird. This is one of the more commonly accepted theories as to the origin of the Thunderbird – especially those who are hoping to find a cryptid. Though it extremely uncommon that a cryptid of this size would be able to stay hidden from modern eyes this long, the possibility still proves to be intriguing to many pseudoscientists.



In the depths of the Indian jungles, a creature lurks, hungry for prey. Its head is that of a man with a long beard, but it’s body is that of a mighty lion. The mighty beast has a magnificent tail that stretches out behind it. The tail resembles that of a scorpion and has many stings which it uses like arrows to render its prey defenseless. This terrible beast lurks in the reeds and appears to its victims as an old man until it is too late. When it strikes, no evidence is left behind. It is the mighty manticore.

What is a Manticore

A manticore is a mythological creature that was said to be unconquerable. The mighty beast is best known for its strange but magnificent features. It is often said that the beast had the head of a man, the body of a lion, and the tail of a scorpion. They are thought to be one of the mightiest of beasts and were capable of devouring every animal in the jungle except for elephants. There is no given explanation for why these creatures were unable to defeat elephants, only documentation that for some reason elephants seemed to be able to evade even the most powerful of the manticores.

The word manticore itself is an adaption of the Persian name for the beast – martichoras. This is thought to loosely translate to ‘man eater.’ According to Persian lore, the creature was able to devour any beast (except elephants of course) without leaving any remains behind. However, despite its dominance in the jungle, the manticore had an especially intense hunger for human flesh. It was said to make due with one man if that was all that was available, but much rather preferred to lie in wait for a minimum of two to three men and devour them all. It was rumored that the manticore was able to kill three men at once without issue and could likely take more than that number if the opportunity presented itself.

The manticore was seen as an apex predator that couldn’t be matched by man. The beast was supposedly known to have incredible speed that not even the fastest man could compete with in a chase. In addition to this, the body of a manticore was similar to a lion. This meant that the beast also had long, sharp claws that it could use to tear apart its victims if the opportunity arose. The beast was supposedly capable of ripping a man apart with one swipe of its mighty paws.

Though the claws of the beast were no doubt intimidating, many recorded tales suggest that the manticore rarely relied on them. The tail of the beast resembled that of a scorpion and had several large ‘stings’ that came off the sides and one sting that rested at the tip of the tail. These stings were poisonous and could be used to prick a victim if in close proximity. Distance, however, didn’t bring much more safety to a potential victim of the manticore. It was said that the mighty beast had the ability to shoot these stings from its tail like arrows. When one sting had been shot, it was replaced by another that could then be shot at the target until the beast was successful. These stings would inject the victim with poison and cause them to become paralyzed. The beast was then free to devour the victim without a struggle.

The manticore was famed for eating its victims whole and leaving nothing behind. While many other beasts of the forest are able to devour the entirety of the human body, the manticore took its feasting a step farther. In addition to eating all of its victims remains, it also ate their clothing, money, and other possessions. Because of this, there was often little evidence that the manticore had struck aside from trace amounts of blood. This is also part of the reason the beast was feared by so many. Whenever a person went missing and searches failed to return any trace of their body or possessions, the loss of the person was blamed on a manticore attack.

It was claimed that the manticore lured people in by laying in tall grass or reeds. This would hide its magnificent body and show only the head of what appeared to be a bearded man. Many victims were said to have ventured too close to the beast, only to be devoured by its three rows of sharp teeth. It was thought that those who ventured too close to the beast failed to notice several key signs. Most notable of these signs was said to be the sound of music. It was thought that the manticore was unable to speak in human languages but had a voice similar to that of a trumpet. Because of this, the sound of music was often seen as a warning that a manticore was nearby. Other signs included location (seeing the head of a man in tall grass) or the appearance of the man they thought they were approaching. It is often said that the head of a manticore looked like a bearded man with blue or grey eyes. It is safe to say that few who saw the color of the beast’s eyes lived to tell the story later.

There were, however, measures that could be taken to ensure that these beasts were not able to grow into predators that were impossible to escape. Records show that it was believed a manticore could be hunted while it was young in order to prevent the development of one of its most fearsome attributes – its tail. Supposedly, skilled hunters were able to track down the young manticore cubs because their tails hadn’t yet developed the deadly stings. It was thought that if one could capture a manticore and stomp on the tail hard enough, the tail would become deformed and wouldn’t be able to grow the deadly stings that rendered villagers and travelers helpless against the beast.

Other than this, fighting the manticore was thought to be futile. It was believed that the fur of the manticore was impenetrable and any weapon used against the body of the beast would be in vain. Though no known records support the thought, some have hypothesized that the only place a manticore was vulnerable was in its mouth. However, even if a manticore were able to be killed with a fatal blow to the mouth, it is thought that the creature would simply resurrect as it is thought to have mythical powers.

Though there is no evidence of a manticore to view in modern days, it is reported that the beast was captured on at least one occasion and presented to the then king of Persia as a gift. The manticore was given to King Artaxerxes II while Ctesias was serving in his court as a physician. It was through this exchange and the witnessing of the creature by Ctesias that the legend of the manticore was able to spread to the rest of the world – most notably Greece.

Once the legend of the manticore was spread to Greece, it was met with mixed reactions. A famed Greek author by the name of Pausanias wrote about the ‘martichoras’ with great skepticism in his book, ‘Description of Greece.’ It was his opinion that the great martichoras was nothing more than a tiger. He hypothesized that the additional details that spoke of the famed beast’s three rows of teeth and scorpion-like tail were nothing more than exaggerations that were used to express the extreme terror that was felt by anyone who had the misfortune of running into one of the beasts.

Pliny the Elder (another Greek writer who was famous for his work) did not share Pausanias’ opinion. He included the martichoras in his writing Naturalis Historia along with many animals that are known to exist today.


Physical Description

The manticore is often described as a mighty beast with fearsome features. The head of the beast is often said to be similar to that of a man. In most accounts, the head also has a beard and features eyes that are either blue or grey in color. From a distance, the head of a manticore isn’t a terrifying sight. It isn’t until the victim is close enough to the beast to see its open mouth and three rows of sharp teeth that the true nature of the beast becomes known.

There is also great emphasis given to the body of the beast. The body of the manticore is always described as being similar to that of a lion, but has a brilliant hue of red (often recorded as being scarlet in color). The manticore’s body is often much larger than that of a normal lion and is capable of performing impressive feats. The most notable of these feats is perhaps is surprisingly fast and agile speed. It is said that not even the fastest man can match the speed of a manticore when in pursuit of prey. Additionally, the claws of the beast are known to be extremely sharp. With one swipe of it’s mighty paw, a manticore can easily tear a man apart.

There are also some versions of the manticore that describe the beast as having a pair of mighty wings that allow it to fly in pursuit of its prey at terrifying speeds. These accounts normally describe wings that are similar to those of a dragon.

Last, but certainly not least is the fearsome tail of the mighty beast. The tail of the manticore is said to resemble that of a scorpion and has several stings that are poisonous to all creatures – except elephants. If the manticore is in close proximity to its prey, it can use these stings to stab its prey. It is important to note, however, that distance does not limit the use of this impressive feature. If a manticore is far away from its intended prey, it has the option of shooting these stings at its victim similar to the manner in which arrows are shot from a bow. Every sting that is fired from the tail of the creature is quickly replaced from another so that the manticore can continue its onslaught until it is successful and has rendered its prey defenseless.

It is also important to note that while the manticore has a human head, it is not able to speak human languages. Instead, it is said that the creature has the voice of a trumpet. This was considered to be one of the biggest warnings that the creature was on the hunt. Any sound of melody in the forest was considered to be the sign of a manticore.


The manticore is extremely cunning and is often noted for its impressive appetite. The beast is often said to use clever tactics to lure groups of people into its range so it can pounce on them and devour their entire being.

One of the most common tactics said to be employed by the manticore was to lay in tall grass so that only its human head was visible to anyone passing by. The seemingly harmless appearance of the head often lured people to come closer, allowing the manticore to strike and quickly devour them.

There are also many accounts of the creature that suggest it was greedy for human flesh. While the manticore would take any human prey it encountered, it was said to prefer to lay in wait for groups of people traveling together to satisfy its extreme hunger.

Explanation of the Myth

Many who study the story of the manticore are inclined to write the beast off as a tiger like Pausanias. It is thought that the story was used to describe the biggest and mightiest of the tigers that inhabited the jungles of India.

It is likely that the story also originated to explain the many missing persons who ventured into the jungle and never returned. It was likely easier to write off the disappearance of loved ones as being at the hands of an unconquerable beast instead of a vicious forest animal. These stories likely helped to save part of the population by preventing too many inexperienced travelers or hunters from going too far into the woods alone, as well as curbing the curiosity of young children.
